Important Questions to Ask About a Scheduled Surgery


If your doctor has scheduled you for surgery, he or she will no doubt go over all the details of what's needed to prepare for the procedure, and what you'll need to do to heal properly after the surgery is completed. However, there are some questions you might ask when it comes to getting yourself ready for surgery, and for ensuring the fastest recovery time possible after you go home. Note a few of those questions here, so nothing is overlooked before or after a surgical procedure.

Ask if you should take your daily medication

Whether or not you should take any medication in the days leading up to the surgery, and especially the day of the surgery, will depend on the medication, the surgery, and a host of other factors that will vary from patient to patient. Never assume that you should, or should not, take any medication before the surgery; some might be needed to maintain your blood pressure or healthy blood circulation, whereas other medications may interfere with anaesthesia or certain medicines you need for the surgery itself.

Your doctor may also want you to stop or adjust your schedule of these medications after the surgery, if they might interfere with the healing process or interact with the medicines administered during surgery. Be sure you've told your doctor about all medications and even over-the-counter supplements you take, and ask if they should be used in the time leading up to the surgery, and when you should return to your routine of taking them after the surgery is completed.

Ask about daily activities

If you regularly run, lift weights or have a very strenuous, physical job, you want to ask about curtailing those activities both before and after the surgery. Never assume that you're going to somehow make yourself stronger by forcing yourself back to the jogging path too soon, or that you can or should create your own physical therapy schedule to heal after a surgery. You could easily injure the area of an incision, elevate your blood pressure to dangerous levels or put strain on weakened muscles and tendons that were affected by the surgery.

Before the surgery, your doctor may prescribe a blood thinner or other medication that could make you dizzy during strenuous activity, or that might make it dangerous for you to operate heavy equipment, such as a forklift. Ask your doctor if you should change your schedule before the surgery, and how you should ease yourself back into those activities after the surgery.


11 December 2017

Understanding Primary Care

Hello! My name is Eileen. I would like to introduce you to the topic of primary care. Primary care is often the first contact you will have with the health service when you do not feel well. This could be with your local GP or in your local emergency care centre. Because people do not understand what primary care is, they will often not seek the help they need. When I became unwell last year, I visited my GP and then was sent to the hospital. During this time, I developed a good understanding of primary care. I hope my blog helps you.